Brown Bread | Brown bread buns | 100% whole wheat bread

Brown Bread buns
Would you like to have tasty and healthy brown bread buns with evening tea or with butter?? Sounds like an amazing idea right! Brown bread that we will be making today are extremely easy, tasty and healthy. Most of the people find it difficult to cook in oven, so today we will be baking our brown bread in cooker. Also another major benefit of this recipe is that it is made up of whole wheat which means there is no presence of maida or all purpose flour in it. Isn’t it amazing! Preparation time for it is around one and half hour. So all the health conscious people…let’s start:

brown bread
Brown bread buns

  • ·        1 cup Wheat flour
  • ·        1 tsp yeast
  • ·        1 tsp Sugar
  • ·        3 tsp milk
  • ·        2 tsp milk powder
  • ·        Salt as per taste
  • ·        5 tsp butter or ghee or oil

  • ·        Take some lukewarm milk as per given quantity in a bowl. Add sugar and yeast to it. Let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • ·        After 5 minutes if the yeast is properly fluffed up we can go further in the recipe. But if it is not then we need to stop here because either yeast is expired or not of good quality thus our bread won’t rise at all.
  • ·        Now, once we check that the yeast has fluffed up, add wheat flour, salt as per taste and milk powder to it and start kneading.
  • ·        We have to knead the dough for atleast 10 to 15 minutes. Now, while kneading also add in some butter which will help the dough to be soft.
  • ·        Once the dough is properly kneaded, cover it with a wet cloth and let it rest for about an hour. After an out we can see that the dough has doubled in size.
  • ·        Once again we will knead the dough for about 5 to 8 minutes. Now we will divide the dough into small portions of equal size. We will shape those portions in the form of buns.
  • ·        Place these portions in a well greased vessel. For greasing, make use of some oil or butter. Let these bun rest for another 30 minutes. Again do not forget to cover them with wet cloth.
  • ·        If you thin that the surface of bread is getting dry, brush them up with some milk. This will help to make them soft.
  • ·        Until our bread is cooked let’s start with preheating our cooker. First take a cooker and add some (around ¾ cup )salt in it. Place a vessel stand or a cookie cutter or any plate at the bottom. Let it heat up for about 15 minutes.
  • ·        After half hour we will see that the bread portion we kept have again doubled in size. Now we will place that vessel in the cooker for baking.
  • ·        Make sure you do not place weight on cooker i.e. the whistle should be removed. Let the bread bake for around 20 minutes. To check they are completely cooked you can even use a tooth pick and pierce it through the bread, if nothing sticks it means it is ready. And then they are ready to eat!!
  • ·        Now if you want it to look like market style brown bread buns, then during letting our bread rest for next 30 minutes i.e. for second time we can just add some oat flakes or some healthy seeds over it.

Reason why we should have brown bread:
  • ·        It is a better source of minerals like magnesium, zinc, potassium etc.
  • ·        It helps to reduce the risk of heart related diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes etc.
  • ·        It has higher amount of nutrients and fiber.
  • ·        It helps to reduce the risk of obesity.
  • ·        It is beneficial for weight loss!

 Check out the other interesting breakfast recipes here!
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